Your Guide to Italy Traveling in Italy Language courses in Italy Italian Wine Italian art and culture Italian Cuisine History of Italy Italian Trends
Culture and History of Italy

Museums of Rome
Museums of Florence
Museums and Monuments of Venice
in the Great Hall of the
Capitoline Museums
Famous Italians

Italian Nobel Prize Winners in Literature, Medecine, Physics, Peace, Mathematics and Economics

Italian Inventors : many great inventions were produced by Italians: Marconi and the telegraph, Meucci and the telephone,  Torricelli and the baromater and many more.

Marconi Guglielmo
Guglielmo Marconi
inventor of wireless telegraphy
History of Italy

Introduction to the history of Italy

Italian Culture in the 1800's

Giuseppe Garibaldi: biography of one of the most famous heroes of Italy's popular history, who has been credited for being the man behind the unification of Italy in the late 1800s.

Hannibal and the Punic Wars

Magna Graecia (Greek Italy)

Origins of Rome
Culture and Craftsmanship

see separate page: Art and Culture of Italy

Italian Violins:
Introduction of the Cremona school of violin making and history of three of the most famous Italian luthiers: Amati, Stradivari, Bergonzi
Leonardo da Vinci

Italian soccer
Founded in 1898, the Italian Football League, also known as Italy soccer, is the highest football league in the country. Read more >>
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